Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Alexander Craig of Rose-Craig: 1604-1631
Sonnet Idea

In Golden world, when Saturne did vpgiue
To Pluto, Joue, and Neptune, his Empire
They cast their lots both how, & where to liue,
Because it was old Saturne owne desire:
Joue ruld the Furnace farre aboue the Fire,
The stately Vaut, beyond starrie round:
And Neptune gat the glassie Salt to hyre,
Then Pluto chooss'd the Hellish blacke profound:
When Cupid spied they gaue him but the Ground;
Impatient wagg, went out to walke abrod,
And conquering these that were but lately cround,
He made himselfe ouer all those Gods but God.
      Then Loue to thee, as to my Lord I yeeld,
      I feare to fight, where Gods haue fled the feeld.


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